This is how I got through today. My first day alone with both boys. Wasn't sure I could make it but I did. There was a lot of anxiety. I felt this dread while he was sleeping knowing that when he woke up I'd have to feed him and then the crying would begin. I hate the crying. My heart breaks with each wince and squirm of pain. With each wake time that he has there's about 10-15 mins of semi-happiness. That's it. The rest of the time he's sleeping or crying, screaming really. Sometimes, like tonight, it takes him an hour to fall asleep bc he's in pain or has gnarly hiccups. He writhes around and all I can do is hold him and walk him and pray for a miracle. I'm waiting for a miracle.
God told me "1 week." I'm holding onto that word as best I can. It's all I have. It's hope I guess.
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